Tip 1: Cleanse Our Hair

If you have type one hair or type two hair, it's quite important to wash your hair every day or every other day. But, if you have type four or type three hair, rinsing once or twice a week is highly advised.
One way to cleanse for type three or four hair is to use a cotton swab. Cotton swabs are especially useful if you have braids or weaves. Minimal use of synthetic hair cleansing products is best advised when working to keep your natural hair smelling amazing.
Tip 2: Clean our tools.

When it comes to taking care of our hair, strict hygiene practices are compulsory. Think about it; how can you have clean hair if the tools you use are dirty. So, from the hairbrushes to our silk pillows, to the scarves that we tie our hair; we have to keep these things clean. There's no point in taking the time to wash our hair, only use dirty hair tools to add more dirt and stale smells.
Tip 3: Appropriate Hair Products.
Choosing the right hair products are essential to stimulating refreshing natural hair scents. There are various ways through which you can achieve this; one is through the use of DIY recipes that make use of natural/organic products at home. Another way is going the easier route to buy the right products made with the right organic products. The second option applies to people who have hectic schedules.
Here are a few links for some gorgeous smelling hair products that will make your natural hair smell amazing.
For DIY recipes, I'm more cautious when giving suggestions, because there are situations where people have used recipes from Youtube videos and blogs, and these have ended up having a completely different effect. The difference in outcome is because a lot of these homemade DIY recipes/products do not take into account the varying pH balance for the different types of natural hair.
But, I'll give you one tip that has worked for my hair. I always talk about apple cider vinegar because it is a very versatile product. Anytime I wash my hair with shampoo, I try to add a cup full of apple cider vinegar, and I'll dilute it with water. I always wash it out with plain water because apple cider vinegar is acidic, but it's useful if you want to do a deep clean of your hair.
Tip 4: Dry your hair properly.

This fourth tip cannot be overemphasized; DRY YOUR HAIR PROPERLY! When using hairdryers, I always recommend spraying in a little bit of a conditioning mist or a bit of oil to protect our hair follicles. This is recommended so that the heat from the dryer doesn't damage our hair strands.
For those of us who have hair that dries quickly, please don't use hairdryers—the less heating tools that we use on our hair, the better. The only exception, as previously stated, is when your hair cannot do without heating tools. So find what works for you, and stick to it.
It's essential that when we use homemade recipes, we make sure the organic ingredients products are not too acidic or too alkaline for our hair. One method for simplicity requires only essential oils and the shampoo or conditioner you are currently using. It is best to mix about 2% of essential oils or fragrance oils into your shampoo and your conditioner. Make sure that the necessary and fragrance oils are not more than 2%, because they are really concentrated and when too much can damage your hair.
Tip 5: Scented Hair Oils and Hair Mists.
These scented hair oils can take your style to the next level. Especially if you're a busy woman and you're out and about. All you need to do is to dab those oils in your hair, and you are out! I'm going to link to our amazing ethnic extraordinaire, which is a scented hair and scalp oil. We have two different types. We have selected oils which contain mood-enhancing properties! Try our hair and scalp oils; you will not regret it.
Tip 6: Hair Perfumes.
What hair perfumes are alcohol-free? We have our collection of hair perfumes that are safe for your skin! A set of 5 scents, together make the perfume collection 'Lady of Substance Discovery Set'. We have already tested them out with some women and received their honest feedback. Our pre-launch for our hair perfumes began in July 2020. They will be distributed on Amazon, and you can find them on our website.
I always get excited when I talk about our hair, perfumes! It has been a year and a half of formulating, working with perfumers to craft this line of hair perfumes specially. I took a course in perfumery just because I wanted to make sure that every ingredient that was put into these hair perfumes were beneficial to you and they had something that would add some value to your body, your scent, your mind and your life.Beautifying Bodies, Beautifying Minds
Hope these tips have been helpful to you and helps you gain that confidence with your natural hair smelling amazing! Do check out the video when you get the chance. It's your girl Kelly here to help you stay confident, stylish and successful. Do tag me on Instagram if you've used any of these tips or have any suggestions!